Michelle ​Dog Training


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Michelle Dog Training  origins from "Carver Kennel", the founder - Mr. Lau Kam Ho has over 20years dog training experiences and founded "K-9 Training Center" in 1993, there is countless dog owners & dogs had been educated and trained. 

In 2001, he became the tutor of the dog management courses provided by the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions. And from 2002, he also planned to breed more dog trainers, during time, in 2003, he knew by chance that CGC (Canine Good Citizen Program) was successfully implemented by the U.S.A., which was also brought into different countries for more than 20 years. Then, he immediately contacted the organizations related to CGC for which they were willing to discuss with us, and requested for the qualifications, training center's satus and its nature, as well as the paper about the understanding of Hong Kong domestic pets' market, the understanding of CGC, our ability, the reasons for making use of CGC, the expectation towards dog keepers etc. After they had received all the information, they immediately accepted and gave him the CGC Evaluator's qualification in Hong Kong. 

Starting from this, he have a new mission is to promote CGC in Hong Kong and has a overwhelming response. 

And then, in 9 August, 2008, the first year of vocational dog trainer's program - "Professional Canine Trainer Course" (P.C.T.C.) commenced.

As for Carver Kennel origins from the Taiwan largest police dog training school - "Chun Feng Police Dog Training School" which was founded in 1975. Its founder Mr. Chung Chai Liang is a master dog trainer. He committed to working dog training for a lifetime. His training is prestigious, not because of the commercial, but due to his strength of training dogs, his love and concern for dogs and owners, his enthusiastic in dog training, the cultivation for younger and contribution to this industry. This is our loyalty.

Over the years, there were major achievements from all the competitions, however, the strive for excellence is continuous. The training supervisers from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan had been invited to Taiwan for training and technological exchanges. Besides Asia, he keep participate in international training events, aims to exert each working dogs to its limit.

Michelle Dog Training 源自香港的" 群峰犬隻訓練員中心" (Carver Kennel), 創辦人劉錦豪擁有犬隻訓練經驗超過20年, 從1993年創立"群峰犬隻訓練中心", 被教育及訓練的狗主和犬隻不計其數.

他在2001年加入了工聯會擔任犬隻飼養及培養興趣班的導師, 在 2002年已開始策劃栽培更多犬隻訓練員的同時, 無意中得知美國一個在多個國家成功推行了二十多年的〔犬隻良好公民的訓練制度〕就是今天的 CGC (Canine Good Citizen Program), 便即與 CGC 有關機構聯絡, 他們亦樂意商討在香港推行, 經過這論文內容包括- 對香港寵物市場的了解、對 CGC 的理解、當時的能力、使用 CGC 的原因、對犬主的期望等等...
亦即時收到他們的接納並給予他在香港的 CGC 評審員資格 (CGC Evaluator), 全力推行及宣揚這犬隻良好公民教育課程, 多年來反應熱烈.


至於"群峰犬隻訓練員中心" 起始於台灣 - "群峰訓練犬學校"早於 1975 年在台中縣沙鹿鎮成立, 是一所專門訓練警衛犬及狼犬體型調整的訓練學校.
創辦人鍾才亮先生是一位對工作犬、警衛犬,體型犬訓練非常專業熱誠的資深訓練師, 他的專業以及成績和工作態度, 
已被中華民國警犬訓練協會(PDA)、台灣省育犬協會(TKA)及國內狗會組織認可, 不但對警犬的訓練以及對德國牧羊犬體型專業知識和照顧都很認真地投入. 

歷年來在各大比賽都屢創佳績, 至今仍然不斷求進, 更在德國,比利時, 荷蘭及日本引進技術導師入台, 作技術上的交流.
更是跳出亞洲, 不斷參與國際訓練賽事, 務求令每隻工作犬都能發揮至極限的表表者.
