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   Michelle ​Dog Training

我第一次接觸犬隻是家中飼養的白色小狗 – 莉莉,那時我只有兩歲,整天在家追著莉莉,爭著要摸牠,抱牠,令牠煩厭得躲於梳化底下,但我還是盡力地把牠找出來.    

​可是她對媽媽的態度是完全不同,她喜歡靠著媽媽身旁.媽媽常教導我說, 只要付出愛心和溫柔地對待她, 莉莉便會喜歡你. 自此,我開始懂得尊重犬隻,改變了對牠們的行為態度, 漸漸我和莉莉成為了好朋友. 直至現在,我還是十分享受狗主這個身份.

​在這些年間,我最愛的好朋友是一隻混種犬- 財財,不經不覺牠已陪伴我十年多,還有一隻德國牧羊犬- Coffee在一起.


​我深信每位狗主都希望把自己的狗成為一隻理想中的愛犬,可常伴左右,快樂地一起生活成長.因此, 我報讀了職業犬隻訓練員課程, 把我所學到的正確訊息引導給各狗主, 繼而是推廣到大眾市民及整個社區, 令我們的好朋友可真真正正地成為社會的一份子, 和諧地共同分享這個社區.

My first contact with a buddy canine (Lily) was when I was 2years old. I used to love chasing, touching and grabbing Lily but to mine disappointment, Lily would hide and run away from me.

​But Lily was so different to my mother, she was more loving and would run up to her whenever she came home. Upon complaining to my mother, she patiently explained to me how loving gentle I should be to Lily instead of grabbing or chasing.

​Since then, Lily becomes my friend, my behavior and respects towards canines changed. Till date, I always enjoy being a pet owner.

​In these years, my favorable pet was a mixed breed of Pug & Pekingese (Choi Choi) who was with me more than 10years along with the German Shepherd named Coffee.

​Being a dog owner, my biggest advantage was meeting more pets and owners to share all the
experiences with me, thus, helping me to learn more about canines then behavior, habits and

​I believe every pet owner wants an ideal pet and to make this happened I enrolled in this highly
exhaustive dog training course in Hong Kong.

​With my training experiences and wisdom, Iet’s make both you and your pets dream comes true.